I'm a two timer, but I'm not the only one...

So here I am wondering exactly where it all went wrong. We started out so well, so happy. We’d spend hours  together, in the evening, at weekends; lost in one another’s company - but how things change. It could be the fact I’ve been so busy but if  I’m honest it’s because I started spending time with someone else.

But my lack of dedication to afrolegoman must be addressed. Just because I have been two timing him with m.o.d.j.o doesn’t mean the thoughts of an afrolegoman have ceased to flow. And how many thoughts there are, on topics including the Con-Lib (optimistic) or Con-Dem (pessimistic) coalition government, the huge oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico (there has to be another option to deep sea drilling) and to top it all off, Scrabble have started to allow proper nouns (Superman for 59 points? I think not people). 

Let’s talk coalitions and just so you know I am totally pessimistic about this situation. I know that the country needs governing and that the people have spoken, even if it is through the auto-tune-esq voice modifier a first past the post voting system represents, I can’t help feeling uneasy about it all. According to David Cameron, a little while ago the best joke he had heard in Parliament was “Nick Clegg". That’s the same bloke you’re in the most loved up Bromance since Armstrong and McConnaughey is it Dave? 

It just seems to me that this marriage of convenience was less about fulfilling the country's wishes (as was claimed by both sides) and more about giving two highly ambitious men exactly what they wanted - access to power. The Lib Dems get a seat at the big table (albeit in one of those children's high chairs with a table attached complete with a little bib to catch all the policies they've had to drop to get into bed with the Tories) and the Conservatives quite obviously get someone to blame when the Public Sector sh*t hits the fan, as it will.

As a card carrying liberal, I can’t shake the feeling that this coalition is simply Nick Clegg two timing me with David Cameron and getting away with it. But then again, I guess, judging from the date of my last descent into the thoughts of an afrolegoman, I can't talk - because it takes one to know one right?

1 comment:

  1. Far too true yet elegantly and humorously stated.

    K :)
